90 Pins
So I just read that this actually is an ancient belief and not true, but still a cool history fact.
So I just read that this actually is an ancient belief and not true, but still a cool history fact.
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
Things you never knew existed ... and probably could have survived very nicely never having known ... but now you know. (I'm still trying to figure out a possible use for the meltable metal ... )
My Russian Friend Sent Me This... - LolSnaps
The difference between the Russian astronaughts and the American
The Aztecs were the first to combine domesticated tomatoes and chilies to make what we now call salsa.
The Aztecs were the first to combine domesticated tomatoes and chilies to make what we now call salsa.
" you lhvnk technology makes us antisocm‘, take a look al this. always \mkmg somsming - iFunny :)