
12 Pins
Afternoon Drive - Two-Wheeled Freedom Machines (35 Photos) - Suburban Men
Why ride a motorcycle? Riding is something most people don't have to do, but rather feel compelled to--for a wide variety of reasons ranging from passion to practicality. One of the most distinct things about riding is that nothing feels quite like a motorcycle; the thrill of being at one with a two-wheeled freedom machine that weighs only a few hundred pounds is one of the purest ways to get from point A to B, and the risks involve sometimes even heighten that enjoyment.
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Honda Vtr250 by parafrenico on DeviantArt
Honda Vtr250 by parafrenico.deviantart.com on @deviantART
posts-search - Motorcycle Pics and Info
2001 Honda VTR 250
ホンダ VTR250((有)ウイングハギワラ) | 新車・中古バイク情報 GooBike(グーバイク)
「VTR 250」 by ハマダ ユキオ|アート・絵画の販売(通販)サイト Artmeter - 国内最大級のインディーズアート専門マーケットプレイス
COOL画「VTR 250」[ハマダ ユキオ] | ART-Meter
ホンダ VTR250 FI |エンデュランス下関 形山展示場|支払総額:45.52万円 (税込)