
18 Pins
Bonbon Club by VLS Interior Architecture, Tallinn – Estonia
Elegant but stylish LED lighting in a shows the creativity and flare LED lighting can create.
Nightclub Interior Design | Rocky Club Interior Design with Hexagonal Prismatic Concept | Cimots
Дизайн ночного клуба BlackboX в Румынии: подборка фото
Extraordinary neon night club design. BlackboX, Румыния
Gallery of Club Octagon / Urbantainer - 8
Gallery of Club Octagon / Urbantainer - 8
The new Hakkasan restaurant in Abu Dhabi by Firefly Lighting Design
Winners 2015
MIA Design Studio has been the design consultant since the birth of LUSH and continues to improve and expand the clubbing scene. It is our goal to create a design that is manifestly about a way of being in the world for the next generation.