The Rose Garden.

"Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses too see you". Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
304 Pins
English Roses are some of the best-loved, high-performance flowers in the garden, so they are perfect for growing in the mixed border. When David Austin set out to breed the English Roses, one of his guiding principles was that his new roses should have the natural, shrubby growth that is typical of their ancestors the Old Roses.
30 Diagrams to Make You Master in Growing Roses
What are the Best Companions for Roses? Take help of this chart. Must repin.
Brighten Your Garden with Roses
English Roses are some of the best-loved, high-performance flowers in the…
David Austin Roses - Lady of Megginch (Ausolume) and Nepeta 'Kit Kat' | Facebook
Lady of Megginch (Ausolume) and Nepeta 'Kit Kat'
Roses and lavender are great companion plants ONLY IF you have good drainage. Roses are water hogs, but Lavender can't stand wet roots. Make sure your soil has hammered mulch, pea gravel, sand or peat mixed well to lighten it's weight.