Repurposed Piano

Some awesome ideas to repurpose/recycle and upcycle old piano
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Wine Bar......Vintage Upright Piano by OnlyOldPianoStuff on Etsy
How to repurpose a piano into a bar, recycled piano, upcycled piano
Piano Upcycled into a bar
Chalk Paint DIY Piano Makeover Idea
Have you been wanting to update your piano and turn it into a statement piece in your home? It turns out, that using chalk paint, makes painting your piano an easy and inexpensive DIY project that anyone can do. The piano I painted was a free hand-me-down from someone who knows my father-in-law. I know of many people who have found free pianos via Craigslist if you are in the market.
What to do with that old piano ....
"There is Music in Water, if You Stop to Listen" We were looking for something different for our display at our local home show. We wanted something that would be beautiful and turn peoples heads but it had to fit in what we do and it had to have a message... We began our search for an old piano shell. We wanted to take an old piano that had lived out its life providing beautiful music and give it a new life... as a water feature. We found the perfect piano at our local wholesaler and began th
Music in The Garden
If you have an old broken piano and want to enjoy it again, you can, only this time to the sounds of the water that passes through it. If you don't have an old piano, you can do this with a similar model made of wood. And don't forget to polish it with yacht varnish to prevent rot and for it to make you happy for a long time!
Salvation Army Piano
Built a computer/entertainment center from an old piano I bought from the Salvation army store.The hardest part and a learning experience is the tear down. If try to build be careful of the string and harp dismantle it is under a lot of tensions.
Instead of getting rid of broken pianos, this guy does something unbelievable
I guess a subtitle for this posting could be "one Hometalk posting leads to more".I shared a posting ( about a piano repurposed into a bookcase and followed it with another posting ( when a leftover part of that piano was made into a folding table for out tax accountant.Friends of the accountant (Scott and Joanna) had a piano, that they wanted re-purposed. Scott is a pianist and has a
Restoring an Old Piano to its Natural Beauty
This piano had been sitting on an inside porch for years, I mean like 25+ years. We were going to paint it until we wiped a small spot and saw the beauty!
Piano Bookcase
I had seen a number of pictures of pianos repurposed into bars and bookcases. I made the mistake of telling a friend that I was considering doing one myself. Very shortly afterwards, he called me and told me there was a baby grand available for a mere $40.
Upright Piano to Wine Rack
My mom's father bought this piano from a door-to-door salesman while they lived on their farm in Western Wisconsin. Apparently, as the story goes, he offered to sell it on an installment plan. They made the first payment and never saw the salesman again. They always wondered if it was stolen property. About 10 years ago I took it thinking that maybe my kids would play the piano. Unfortunately, the piece was well out of tune and the cost to have it tuned was more than the piano was worth. A
Had this pump organ in our garage for 10 years. FINALLY...was able to dig it out and bring it's BEAUTY back to LIFE! With my hubby's carpenter skills and my artistic flare...this BEAUTIFUL piece is now my Inspiration Center😊.