Swim Parkas in use

Swim Parka
Not just for kids! 😎⁣ ⁣ Simply slip on you Swim Parka and head on home to shower in comfort.⁣ Even better, the specially treated polyester outer shell will keep your car seats dry the whole time!⁣ #swimparkas #swimparka #greataussieswimparkas #parka
Swim Parka
The specially treated polyester outer shell will keep your car seats dry the whole time! What could be easier? ✨⁣ #swimparkas #swimparka #greataussieswimparkas #parka
Swim Parka
No more dreaded public change rooms! Put on their Swim Parka and get straight into the car! A Swim Parka really can make life easier for your child. Buy one today and see the difference it can make in the time it takes you to get home from swimming. #swimparkas #swimparka #greataussieswimparkas #parka
Swim Parka
No more public change rooms! Simply slip on you and head on home to shower in comfort. 💦 #swimparkas #swimparka #greataussieswimparkas #parka
Swim Parka
Will Fowler keeping track of his races in his blue swim parka. #swimparkas #swimparka #greataussieswimparkas #parka
Swim Parka
Isabella Nichols wearing our blue swim parka to keep warm on set as the stunt double for #BlakeLively in #TheShallowMovie #swimparkas #swimparka #greataussieswimparkas #parka
Adult Parka
What a magnificent sky, great photo opp😄 #swimparkas #swimparka #greataussieswimparkas #parka