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Jac Jack, Bondi Beach store, interior design by George Livissianis, photography by Tom Ferguson.
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London-based studio @erbarmattes added a limewashed brick, glass and timber extension to the rear of this 20th-century terrace house in London's Crouch End to increase the ground floor living space. Architects Holger Mattes and Demian Erbar previously worked for David Chipperfield's firm before co-founding their own office in 2015. Photography: Ståle Eriksen.
Kitchen of the Week: A Boundary-Breaking London Remodel - Remodelista
Triennale Design Museum 5th Edition by Studio Fabio Novembre
"Milan’s Studio Fabio Novembre took on the task of creating the exhibition for the 5th edition of the Triennale Design Museum. Having been asked to create a 3rd dimension to the 2 dimensional material (a selection of historical Italian graphic design), the results fell nothing short of spectacular. If only all curators could approach their craft with such a thorough and inspired take on their subjects!"
Exclusive Look at Dulux Colour Forecast 2016 | Yelliowtrace
Exclusive Look at Dulux Colour Forecast 2016 | Yellowtrace