Our Flowering Hedges

Our collection of flowering shrubs for hedging plants - spring, summer, autumn, winter colour in your garden
48 Pins
Tibouchina Noelene
Tibouchina mutabilis ‘Noelene’ Pretty white buds open to pink blossoms on this big evergreen shrub. Plant as a feature or shade tree in frost free sites. Will reach 6m full-grown so plant with this in mind. #flowering #pink #feature #hedge
Indian Hawthorne (Pink Lady) | Elgin Nursery & Tree Farm: Phoenix, AZ
Pink Indian Hawthorne (Rhaphiolepis indica) Hardy and showy! Very impressive #flowering #hedge
Allamanda Sunee
Allamanda Sunee Low-growing shrub form of this popular glossy-leaved tropical climber. Cover your deck with bright yellow flowers; or bring indoors in a pot in cooler areas.#floweringhedge #pots
Tibouchina Kathleen
Tibouchina 'Kathleen' Pretty pink tree with lots of colour in spring and autumn. Always striking in full flower, and Kathleen has the advantage of a more unusual and softer flower colour for a tibouchina. Grows to 5m in the right location - one for the larger back yard. #flowering #pink
Spiraea - May bush
Spirea cantoniensis 'May Bush' Pure white pom-pom clusters burst from the May Bush in spring, a classic semi-evergreen hedging plant. Gorgeous in full bloom as an informal 2m flowering screen. #flowering #white #hedge
Tibouchina Illusion
Tibouchina 'Illusion' Kaleidoscope of lilac shades, the perfect feature plant for small gardens. Grows to a small tree, to 2.5m. Frost tender. #feature #hedge #flowering #lavender
Plumbago Dark Blue
Plumbago auriculata 'Dark Blue' The more you clip it the more it seems to flower - but happy to scramble over a pergola or arch without too much attention. Loves the sun. #flowering #hedge #blue #cottagegarden
Tibouchina Allure
Tibouchina 'Allure' Gorgeous lilac purple blooms on a dense, low growing shrub to 1m. Suited to small gardens and container planting. All the style and colour of a tree tibouchina in a compact package! #flowering #hedge #compact #pruple
Tibouchina Jazzie
Tibouchina heteromalla ‘Jazzie’ Autumn-flowering shrub with rich purple blooms. Small growing variety to 1m, very suited to feature planting, containers and hedges. Vibrant colour and attractive foliage. #compact #flowering #purple #hedge
How To Feed Your Native Plants
Discover the key to feeding your native plants. Our nursery experts have shared their tips on keeping Australian natives like acacia, banksia, and hakea healthy. Avoid high-phosphate fertilisers and opt for those with low or zero P numbers, or specialist native fertilisers. Your plants will thrive longer with the right feeding routine and give you a beautiful flowering show! https://www.australianplantsonline.com.au/blog/post/How-To-Feed-Your-Native-Plants
Gordonia - fried egg plant
Don't miss out on our stunning Gordonia, also known as the 'fried egg plant'. Known for its large, crinkly-petalled flowers that bloom from autumn into spring. For a limited time, add a Gordonia to your cart for just $2 (worth $6.05) when you spend $50 or more! Hurry, this offer won't last long. Discount automatically applies on valid orders. It's the perfect time of year to plant. Shop Gordonia - fried egg plant now → https://www.australianplantsonline.com.au/gordonia-axillaris.html
Azalea Elizabeth Lawrence
Azalea 'Elizabeth Lawrence' Compact winter/spring-flowering shrub to 1m, perfect container plant to add colour to your patio, evergreen and hardy with heaps of single bright pink flowers. #flowering #hedge #pink
Search results for: 'tibouchina' Australian Plants Online
Tibouchina lepidota 'Alstonville' Rich purple blooms on an evergreen tree to 5m. Quick to establish, especially from our tubestock. Frost tender. #feature #flowering #hedge #purple
Tibouchina Jules
Tibouchina heteromalla ‘Jules’ Quick-growing, free-flowering small shrub to 1m, with masses of rich purple flowers with a touch of white. #flowering #hedge #purple #compact
Tibouchina Chameleon
Tibouchina 'Chameleon' is a splendid variety featuring shades of mauve, lilac and purple during its two flowering seasons. Ideal for small to medium gardens, grows to 1.8m unclipped. #flowering #mauve #compact #hedge