Cable Shifter

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Orders for Abarth's 695 Biposto Far Exceed Production Capacity [70 Photos] | Carscoops
Abarth's 695 Biposto
DIY pneumatic sequential
Suspension, Brakes, Drivetrain - Pneumatic Sequential Shifter - I'm running a 5 speed dog box in my car and the manual shifting is difficult for sprints and launches. It's a circuit based box so it has 1st in the standard 5th location above reverse so that 2nd through to 5th are in the left most 'H'. This becomes an...
Palatov dp2
Palatov dp2
Así es un Mini clásico con 395 CV y tracción total - Foto 0 de 6
Mini clásico con 395 CV y tracción total mini-cooper-tec-awd-395cv-8
Short shifters - Short shifters