Handy hints

12 Pins
FAÇA VOCÊ MESMA: uma forma incrível de decorar paredes
Cover your sponge with acrylic paint, press down on the canvas, spell out your word, repeat, and you will have your new art piece in 20 min or less!
Orange Vinegar (a "green" cleaner) - Fountain Avenue Kitchen
Soak orange peels in vinegar for two weeks in a sealed mason jar then pour the vinegar into a spray bottle. Use as a non-toxic and yummy smelling "green" cleaner. I love using vinegar to clean with but have always wondered how to make it smell better - can't wait to do this!
A Sesame Street Birthday Party - A Night Owl Blog
Sesame Street Party - cute ideas here -- serve goldfish crackers and give in treat bag, Oscars trash toss game
Home - Renovate Badder Homes And Gardens - Page 3
hot glue, a mason jar and spray paint.
Cut Tulle for a Tutu QUICK and EASY!
How to make tutus - Someone just saved me SO much time on making tutus.
32 Practical Uses For Baking Soda
Mix baking soda with a TBS of fabric softener and spread on mattress every one or two months. Leave on an hour and vacuum off. Kills dust mites and freshens the mattress