
11 Pins
Sumo Gardener
How To Grow Portobello Mushroom at Home #portobellomushroom #indoorgarden #gardeningtips #sumogardener
Faire pousser des champignons à la maison
Faire pousser des champignons chez soi, c'est possible ! Avec un kit vendu dans le commerce, un brumisateur et un peu de patience, ça n'a rien de bien sorcier. Mode d'emploi et conseils pratiques.
How to Grow Mushrooms in Used Coffee Grounds | DIY Idea
Growing mushrooms in coffee grounds is simple and easy and in this DIY you’ll learn how to grow your own mushrooms at home.
No Hunting Necessary At Brown County Fungus Farm
Alan Barker is trying to turn his hobby of fruiting mushrooms at home into a food business. Currently, these King Oyster Mushrooms are flourishing.
Work | United States | BASE Landscape Architecture
The Algarden Demonstration Urban Farm