Silk Road Collection

22 Pins
Yoga Gate Pose / Parighasana
Yoga Gate Pose / Parighasana Pose benefits: Gate Pose improves posture and counteracts the effects of sitting for extended periods of time. Gate Pose also strengthens your side body, including the obliques as well as the intercostal muscles. It also stretches large back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi, and the muscles alongside your spine, including the erector spinae. It also strengthens the ankles and feet. FT: Bliss & Balance Silk Road Dusk Yoga Mat
Seated Side Bend Pose / Parsva Sukhasana Variation
Seated Side Bend with Extended Leg Variation Benefits: - Strengthens the spine, releases tension from this area, and opens the space between the vertebrae. - Strengthens the core muscles, particularly when you are consciously engaging the abdomen. - Stretches the side torso muscles, the lats, hips, shoulders, and arms, particularly the triceps muscles. - Releases tension in the ribs, improving the function of the lungs and improving blood and oxygen circulation in the body.
Cow Face Pose Variation Forward Bend / Gomukhasana
Cow Face Pose Variation Forward Bend is a variation of Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana) with a relaxed forward bend. The arms are placed on the mat with the forearms resting on the mat and the chin placed on the knee. FT: Bliss & Balance Silk Road Dusk Eco Yoga Mat
Yoga Half Cow Face Pose / Gomukhasana Variation
Bliss & Balance Eco Yoga Mats Made from microfibre vegan suede top made from recycled plastic bottles, bonded to biodegradable natural tree rubber and printed with water based inks. Free from nasties like PVC, chlorine, silicone, toxic glue and phthalates.
Yoga Half Cow Face Pose Forward Fold
Half Cow Face Pose Variation (Ardha Gomukhasana Variation) is a preparatory to many variations like the full expression, Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana). This asymmetrical seated pose not only gradually addresses the hip flexion on one side at a time but the strengthens the knee, quadriceps and hamstrings of the extended leg. FT Bliss & Balance Silk Road Dusk Yoga Mat
Yoga Childs Pose / Balasana
Child’s Pose (Balasana) centers on creating a moment of rest where the body can be still. It is a foundational yoga posture that reminds us that inaction can be as valuable as action. Child’s Pose isn’t entirely inactive if you take the version with your arms outstretched in front of you, which engages and stretches your back muscles as well as your shoulders and arms. FT: Bliss & Balance Silk Road Dusk Yoga Mat
Yoga Dolphin Pose / Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
Yoga Dolphin Pose / Ardha Pincha Mayurasana It opens up, stretches and strengthens the upper body, improves flexibility in the hamstrings and is a great preparatory pose for intense inversions, like headstand. FT: Bliss & Balance Dusk Yoga Mat
Pretty Patterned Yoga Mat
Bliss & Balance Eco Yoga Mat Connect with other cultures while being guided along your journey on our SILK ROAD yoga mat. Take the time to flow through, and embrace each unique pose and what it has to offer. Let your journey be about learning and sharing ideas with all those that you meet.
Bliss & Balance Silk Road Dusk Yoga Mat
Bliss & Balance Silk Road Dusk Yoga Mat
BLISS & BALANCE | Eco Friendly Yoga Mats
BLISS & BALANCE ~ SILK ROAD DAWN YOGA MAT + STRAP Our mats are Eco Friendly, made from microfibre vegan suede top made from recycled plastic bottles, bonded to biodegradable natural tree rubber and printed with water based inks. Free from nasties like PVC, chlorine, silicone, toxic glue and phthalates. Perfect for all yoga (especially the hot stuff), pilates and other exercise or meditation.
Silk Road Dawn Yoga Mat + Strap
Bliss & Balance Silk Road Dawn Yoga Mat + Strap A$110 Made from microfibre vegan suede top made from recycled plastic bottles, bonded to biodegradable natural tree rubber and printed with water based inks. Free from nasties like PVC, chlorine, silicone, toxic glue and phthalates. Longer than other yoga mats at 1830mm x 610mm x 3 or 4mm
Pretty Yoga Mat
Perfect for all yoga (especially the hot stuff), pilates and other exercise or meditation.
Best Yoga Mat Australia
A luxurious microfibre vegan suede top made from recycled plastic bottles, bonded to 100% natural biodegradable tree rubber and printed with water based inks that won’t run or fade.
Tree Pose ~ Vrksasana
Tree Pose, Balance Poses, Standing Pose
One Legged Wheel Pose ~ Urdhva Dhanurasana
Yoga Backbends, Wheel Pose, Upward Bow Pose