Healthy 4 U

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a woman doing yoga poses in front of a window with the caption, how to do
1.3M views · 2.9K reactions | 👉Follow this exercise lying down—no excuses, start now! #homeworkout #StayActive #healthyliving #fitnessgoals #GetFitNow #exerciseguide | Exercise Guide | Exercise Guide · Original audio
427K views · 1.4K reactions | 👉Follow this exercise lying down—no excuses, start now! #homeworkout #StayActive #healthyliving #fitnessgoals #GetFitNow #exerciseguide | Exercise Guide | Exercise Guide · Original audio
a woman standing in a kitchen next to a counter top with the words three exercises you can do to prevent tripping or falling
72K views · 5.2K reactions | 3 Exercises you can practice to prevent tripping or falling. Try to do these daily as many as you . Remember, just do your best and forget the rest. ☺️👍♥️ | Chair Yoga For Seniors | The Fame Gang · Soulful Strut
72K views · 5.2K reactions | 3 Exercises you can practice to prevent tripping or falling. Try to do these daily as many as you . Remember, just do your best and forget the rest. ☺️👍♥️ | Chair Yoga For Seniors | The Fame Gang · Soulful Strut
a woman holding a sign that says do you need to burn calories and lose some weight?
62K views · 6.9K reactions | Chair Workout! Let’s burn some calories. Do the routine first 1 minute and repeat it 3 times. Save the video to do later. I have longer Chair Exercise videos on my website: | Chair Yoga For Seniors | YellowBus · Energetic Upbeat
62K views · 6.9K reactions | Chair Workout! Let’s burn some calories. Do the routine first 1 minute and repeat it 3 times. Save the video to do later. I have longer Chair Exercise videos on my website: | Chair Yoga For Seniors | YellowBus · Energetic Upbeat
273K views · 13K reactions | Just drip candle on the vaporub vick! After I learned, I don't stand at the door of the hospital and stop spending money! | Just drip candle on the vaporub vick! After I learned, I don't stand at the door of the hospital and stop spending money! | By Wonderful Recipes and Tips | Drip a candle in the Vic's
vaporub. After I learned that, I never stayed at the hospital
door again. I stop spending money. Do this and you'll never
have this problem again. To start our simple tip, we'll
need just three candles. Put them in a saucepan. Then put it
on a low heat and let it melt. I never realized I could do
this at home. I started saving a lot of money. My children and
I never had to go to hospital again after I learned this
wonderful trick. Once the candle completely me Homemade Mosquito Spray, Drip Candle, Vicks Vapor Rub, Stop Spending Money, Stop Spending, Vapor Rub, Hospital Door, Homemade Cleaning Solutions, Dripping Candles
273K views · 13K reactions | Just drip candle on the vaporub vick! After I learned, I don't stand at the door of the hospital and stop spending money! | Just drip candle on the vaporub vick! After I learned, I don't stand at the door of the hospital and stop spending money! | By Wonderful Recipes and Tips | Drip a candle in the Vic's vaporub. After I learned that, I never stayed at the hospital door again. I stop spending money. Do this and you'll never have this problem again. To start our simple tip, we'll need just three candles. Put them in a saucepan. Then put it on a low heat and let it melt. I never realized I could do this at home. I started saving a lot of money. My children and I never had to go to hospital again after I learned this wonderful trick. Once the candle completely melted, remove the wick. Don't throw the remaining wicks away, we'll use them. And now comes our most important ingredient for this to work. We'll need Vic vaporub. Vic's vaporub is known worldwide in every home. We'll need just one spoonful of Vic. Add it and mix until the Vic paste melts and mixes completely with the candle. Once this is done, switch off the heat. Now transfer the melted candles to a container. You can use any container you like as long as it's not plastic. Next we'll add some cloves. The cloves will play a very important role in our tip and there is no right amount of cloves. You can add as much as you like. Then mix well. I learnt this trick from an old nurse. This is a powerful and foolproof tip. I bet you'll never spend money on expensive medicines at the pharmacy again. After mixing well, our tip is almost ready. Now remember that wick I told you to set aside. Let's use it now with the help of a cloves pin. Simply place the in the centre of the container. Leave it for a few minutes until the candle hardens. After a while it will look like this. Look how it's turned out. This is marvelous and you'll thank me when I tell you what it's for. Now all you have to do is remove the clothes pin. Then cut off the excess wick then you can light it. And what you've just made is a marvelous health and insect repellent candle. Making an aromatic candle with Vic vaporub can bring some interesting benefits to your health. Especially in terms of relief, breathing and relaxation. It can help relieve mild respiratory problems such as nasal congestion due to its expectant properties. Making a candle using Vic's vaporub has the medicinal properties of certain plants and essential oils. This candle was created primarily for the treatment of chest congestion, coughs and other cold symptoms. Just leave it in your bedroom and breathe it in while you sleep. It will bring you all those benefits mentioned above while you sleep. And together with cloves. It will help scare away all kinds of insects from your home especially mosquitoes. Clove has a compound called eugenol which has insecticidal and repellent properties scaring away all kinds of flying insects. If you live in an area with a lot of insects and don't know what else to do, make this homemade candle. That was today's tip and I really hope you enjoyed it. Enjoy this video. Send it to your friends and family who really need this amazing tip. I'm sure a be helping you a lot, then come here and thank me for it. Thank you very much. God bless you all and see you in the next video.
273K views · 13K reactions | Just drip candle on the vaporub vick! After I learned, I don't stand at the door of the hospital and stop spending money! | Just drip candle on the vaporub vick! After I learned, I don't stand at the door of the hospital and stop spending money! | By Wonderful Recipes and Tips | Drip a candle in the Vic's vaporub. After I learned that, I never stayed at the hospital door again. I stop spending money. Do this and you'll never have this problem again. To start our simple tip, we'll need just three candles. Put them in a saucepan. Then put it on a low heat and let it melt. I never realized I could do this at home. I started saving a lot of money. My children and I never had to go to hospital again after I learned this wonderful trick. Once the candle completely me
a woman standing in front of a bathroom mirror with the caption, want to lose that stubborn lower belly? beginner
536K views · 3.7K reactions | If you’re trying to get rid of that lower belly, then try this beginner seated homework - do this every day. #transit #Fitness #Workout #getfit #menopause #loseweight #weightloss #fitnesstips #menopause #healthy #health #exercise #beginner #loseweight | Grace Supranee | Grace Supranee · Original audio
536K views · 3.7K reactions | If you’re trying to get rid of that lower belly, then try this beginner seated homework - do this every day. #transit #Fitness #Workout #getfit #menopause #loseweight #weightloss #fitnesstips #menopause #healthy #health #exercise #beginner #loseweight | Grace Supranee | Grace Supranee · Original audio
the instructions for how to do an exercise with your arms and back, including stretching exercises
501K views · 22K reactions | Daily workouts . . . #weightloss #bodyfitness #fitness #fitnessmotivation #weightlossmotivatio #workouts #workoutsforwomen #homeworkouts #Womensfitne #workoutsathome #gymmotivation #healthandfitness #bodytransformation #exercise #homeworkout #dailyworkout #dailyoutfit #womenhealth #Womensfitne #homeworkout #fitmom | womens fitne | ramyashettybelieber · Original audio
501K views · 22K reactions | Daily workouts . . . #weightloss #bodyfitness #fitness #fitnessmotivation #weightlossmotivatio #workouts #workoutsforwomen #homeworkouts #Womensfitne #workoutsathome #gymmotivation #healthandfitness #bodytransformation #exercise #homeworkout #dailyworkout #dailyoutfit #womenhealth #Womensfitne #homeworkout #fitmom | womens fitne | ramyashettybelieber · Original audio
a man sitting in a chair with the words killer flaby arms workout on it
17K reactions · 5.6K shares | Killer Flabby Arms Workout #armexercises #armworkout #athomeworkouts #seatedworkout #weightlossforwomenover40 #weightlossforbeginners | Jeremiah Daniel Johnson | Jeremiah Daniel Johnson · Original audio
17K reactions · 5.6K shares | Killer Flabby Arms Workout #armexercises #armworkout #athomeworkouts #seatedworkout #weightlossforwomenover40 #weightlossforbeginners | Jeremiah Daniel Johnson | Jeremiah Daniel Johnson · Original audio
an older man standing in front of a doorway with the words 3 exercises to reduce the risk of falling
26K views · 5.2K reactions | 3 more exercises to help improve your balance! 1️⃣ Skaters: Step side to side, shifting weight, for 3 sets of 20 reps each side. 2️⃣ Forward Toe Taps: Tap one foot forward, alternating, for 3 sets of 20 reps each side. 3️⃣ Slow High Knee Marching: Lift knees high, marching in place, for 2 sets of 30 seconds each. Stay upright and steady! #Balance #Balanceexercises #seniorfitness #elderlyfitness #stayactive #healthyaging #Mobility #FallPrevention #SeniorStrength #AgingWell #FitOver60 #FitOver70 #exerciseforseniors #athomeworkouts #seniorwellness #seniorliving | Mitch | 70 y/o Senior Fitness Trainer | Katrina & The Waves · Walking On Sunshine
26K views · 5.2K reactions | 3 more exercises to help improve your balance! 1️⃣ Skaters: Step side to side, shifting weight, for 3 sets of 20 reps each side. 2️⃣ Forward Toe Taps: Tap one foot forward, alternating, for 3 sets of 20 reps each side. 3️⃣ Slow High Knee Marching: Lift knees high, marching in place, for 2 sets of 30 seconds each. Stay upright and steady! #Balance #Balanceexercises #seniorfitness #elderlyfitness #stayactive #healthyaging #Mobility #FallPrevention #SeniorStrength #AgingWell #FitOver60 #FitOver70 #exerciseforseniors #athomeworkouts #seniorwellness #seniorliving | Mitch | 70 y/o Senior Fitness Trainer | Katrina & The Waves · Walking On Sunshine
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