
Exploring different design processes and also documenting great infographics
33 Pins
Design Thinking Builds Strong Teams
I love the empathy maps. A tool I haven't used yet, but will in the future.
Seam City
Service Blueprint. Template: user journey, touch points, service provider, stakeholders
François Bouniq-Mercier – Product Designer
Here is an infographic in which I unfold a classical user experience process, based on the Design Thinking method.
The Tried and True Laws of UX [with Infographic]
The Tried and True Laws of UX [with Infographic] – UX Planet
25 Beautifully Designed Sitemaps & User Flow Maps for Inspiration – Speckyboy
User Flow'in by Bill S Kenney
A sitemap I made of our core product as we're currently working to restructure it and improve the navigation between flows to make more sense for content marketers.
The Paradox of Design Systems
Spotify Design - The Paradox of Design Systems
Business Plan Infographic for creatives to validate your ideas and establish concrete goals so you have them all in one place. It doesn’t have to be fancy or elaborate, just a simple road map for where your business is going so you know what to do and WHEN to get there faster.