Smarter Marketing Campaigns

You know the marketing that’s seamless no matter where you encounter it? Where every element of a brand is working in harmony, where it makes you feel something? That’s a successful marketing campaign.
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How to choose the right music for your podcast or advertising campaign | Startup marketing
10 hidden secrets of celebrity CEOs and online business gurus | Small business marketing tips
Before investing in another online program to improve your small business marketing, see these 10 hidden secrets of celebrity CEOs and online business gurus.
4 reasons small businesses should be running marketing campaigns
Where small businesses stand to benefit the most in levelling up their marketing game is by learning how to create, plan and implement market campaigns. They will be learning to create something purposeful, compelling and memorable.
Master the fundamentals of marketing | Marketing strategy for small businesses
Learn the essential marketing skills every entrepreneur or small business owner should know. Marketing Foundations is an online program from Campaign Del Mar for those looking to learn the fundamentals of marketing including content marketing, high performing sales pages, and email listing building. From marketing campaign ideas to launching in just 10 weeks? It is possible! Enrol in Campaign Classroom for a hands-on approach to campaign marketing and take your small business to the next level.
How to use owned, paid & earned media channels for your startup | Startup marketing ideas
Learn about owned, paid, earned and borrowed media channels and why you need all three in your marketing mix to create a successful marketing campaign strategy for your startup.
8 traits of sticky brand rituals | Food marketing ideas and branding tips for startups
What is it that makes brand-specific rituals stick? See how big brands use rituals to enhance the consumption experience in this blog post. Use these 8 traits of sticky rituals to inspire new food marketing ideas and develop your next marketing campaign strategy.
Setting the Stage for Marketing Campaigns | Small business marketing
Before diving into marketing campaigns, it's important to have the right marketing foundations in place. Setting the Stage is an online mini-program that'll teach you how to use social media strategically, set up automated email funnels, use customer insights, and create high-converting landing pages.
What type of marketing campaign should you choose for your business? | Small business marketing tips
10 hidden secrets of celebrity CEOs and online business gurus | Small business marketing tips
Before investing in another online program to improve your small business marketing, see these 10 hidden secrets of celebrity CEOs and online business gurus.
S2E16 - How to avoid greenwashing in your small business marketing | Ethical marketing tips
Melissa Packham is back on the Got Marketing? podcast with Mia Fileman to talk more about ethical marketing. In this episode, they are diving into what greenwashing is, and unpacking the good, the bad, and the dirty of the brands playing in the green space.
Setting the Stage for Marketing Campaigns | Small business marketing
Before diving into marketing campaigns, it's important to have the right marketing foundations in place. Setting the Stage is an online mini-program that'll teach you how to use social media strategically, set up automated email funnels, use customer insights, and create high-converting landing pages.
4 reasons small businesses should be running marketing campaigns
Where small businesses stand to benefit the most in levelling up their marketing game is by learning how to create, plan and implement market campaigns. They will be learning to create something purposeful, compelling and memorable.
How to use owned, paid & earned media channels for your startup | Startup marketing ideas
Learn about owned, paid, earned and borrowed media channels and why you need all three in your marketing mix to create a successful marketing campaign strategy for your startup.
8 ways to encourage customers to create marketing content for your business | UGC campaign ideas
By putting UGC (UGC) at the heart of the customer experience, brands can bring customers together while ensuring a deeper connection with their brand. Here are 8 ideas to create a UGC campaign for your small business.
8 traits of sticky brand rituals | Food marketing ideas and branding tips for startups
What is it that makes brand-specific rituals stick? See how big brands use rituals to enhance the consumption experience in our latest blog post. Use these 8 traits of sticky rituals to inspire new food marketing ideas and develop your next marketing campaign strategy.