
18 Pins
Improve Your Vocabulary With the “Wheel of Feelings”
Feelings are hard to describe sometimes...This is great for children who need a little more help with finding the most "accurate" name for their feelings.
23 Powerful Examples of Character Motivation - Bang2write
23 Powerful Examples of Character Motivation - writing tips | writing advice
Nothing is ever easy for the hero! On the monomythical Hero's Journey, the main character should endure 15 obstacles on the "Road of Trials."
Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling
Pixar's 22 Rules for Storytelling: Challenge Your Characters. Come Up With Your Ending Before Doing Your Middle. #writing #writers #authors
20 Characters You Need to Start A Novel
#Writing #tips #character
13 Steps To Evil - How To Craft Superbad Villains Is HERE! - Sacha Black
Top Tips for Writing Female Villains from 13 Steps To Evil - How To Craft A Superbad Villain
Novel Structure: An Aggregate Paradigm
An aggregate novel structure composed of the most common elements mentioned in novel structure paradigms. | Storm Writing School
Broken, but Still Good: 3 Ways to Create Character Flaws
The flaws are what allows our characters to make the mistakes and bad choices that lead to compelling plots. It's important to choose flaws that add to the overall novel.
10 Dialogue Errors Writers Should Avoid At All Costs
every amateur writer makes the mistake of not using "said". I used to think I shouldn't keep using said, but you really don't need to switch it up. if it's redundant, try cutting a few dialogue tags (not too many ofc)
Top Pinterest Infographics for Writers and Authors - Julianne Berokoff