3,655 Pins
biomechanic lion tattoo (first session )
(to be continued) first session of a half sleeve biomechanical tattoo
session 2 (complete )biomechanical lion tattoo
session 2 (complete )biomechanical tattoo
king of my self tattoo
lettering tattoo
self made tattoo
Money self made tattoo
Name tattoo
calligraphy written name tattoo
colorful peacock feather
colorful peacock feather pen with ''time will tell ''script in spanish tattoo
TLALOC "the aztec god of rain and fertility "
TLALOC "the aztec god of rain and fertility "Shoulder tattoo
biomechanic half sleeve tattoo (first session )
(to be continued) first session of a half sleeve biomechanical tattoo
floral tattoo
floaral tattoo (lineart )