Assessory work

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[P]rehab®️ on Instagram: "What’s your favorite rotator cuff strengthening exercise? 🤔👇 👉 The rotator cuff is a group of 4 muscles and their associated tendons that span the shoulder joint. These muscles are the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. The rotator cuff is extremely vital to dynamic shoulder joint stability, as they are the only muscles that directly span the glenohumeral joint. While our bigger muscles, like our deltoids, lats, and pectorals control gross movements around the shoulder, the Rotator cuff muscles act to stabilize the glenohumeral joint during larger arm movements. ⁣ ⁣ 👊 The shoulder is inherently a mobile joint. Think of the head of the humerus as a golf ball and the glenoid cavity its tee! You can imagine how important strength is in
Gait Happens on Instagram: "3 simple steps to improve the function of your feet. DO THIS DAILY. 1. Interlace fingers and toes and massage in between the toes. (2 minutes) 2. Lift spread reach 30-40 reps per day 3. Toe yoga with assistance. (Using the strengthener to help align the big toe) ***this is also great for those of us with bunions. 30-40 reps per day These strengtheners are available to purchase NOW by themselves OR with our foot health kits! If you wanted to be extra….work on balance with your new found mobility! Twist the big toe, fan out the feet, and balance 30 seconds each foot! Please check us out on YOUTUBE, because I simply can not SAY EVERYTHING! Click link above for link on our 12 week FIT FEET program, bunion courses, LIVE courses, and virtual consultati
BACK PAIN🔹️NECK PAIN🔹️MOBILITY on Instagram: "Don’t sleep on your mobility work fam. I love training mobility so much because it empowers me to move more freely, enhances my flexibility, and improves my overall physical performance. By working on mobility exercises, you can really increase your range of motion, prevent injuries, and optimize your body’s functional movement patterns. 🙏🏽 Engaging in mobility training can also boost your body awareness, coordination, and balance, leading to a greater sense of control and mastery over your own body. The sense of progress and achievement that comes with improving your mobility can be so fulfilling and motivating, making it a rewarding aspect of your fitness routine. Ultimately, the benefits of training mobility extend beyond the physical re
Jenny Brennecke on Instagram: "Is shoulder popping/clicking a cause of concern? My number #1 question is - do you have pain with it? If the answers YES - you likely have a deeper problem at root and an instagram reel won’t heal you. It can definitely give you guidance, but seeking professional help will be your best bet to ensure no further damage is endured and help you find the root of your problem while receiving a course of treatment. If the answers NO - no pain doesn’t necessarily mean there isn’t a problem, but it could be a sign not to ignore and a foreshadowing of something to come up in the future. A click occasionally is completely normal. It’s basically just a release of gas bubbles 🫧 in the synovial fluid that lubricates the joint. This release can occur when the joint c
BACK PAIN🔹️NECK PAIN🔹️MOBILITY on Instagram: "Save these stretching exercises for later ✨ By @physicaltherapysession 1) Unlock the magic of relief! This towel stretch works wonders, melting away neck and shoulder tension like a charm! #shoulderpain #PainFree #stretchmagic #neckpain #stretch 2) Elbow pain relief! #tenniselbow #elbowpain 3) Looking for CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME remedy? Try these exercises and let me know how it works 🙏 #carpaltunnel #carpaltunnelsyndrome #physio #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy"
Meghan Callaway - Fitness Coach on Instagram: "The serratus anterior muscle is an important muscle you are probably not training (or not training enough). The serratus upwardly rotates, protracts, and posteriorly tilts the shoulder blades. If you struggle to get your arms into an overhead position, the serratus anterior might be the culprit! The serratus also plays a KEY role in your pull-up performance!! Focus on awareness, NOT on using as much resistance as possible! Here are 10 exercises for strengthening the serratus anterior. ▶️▶️ SWIPE to see all 10 exercises! 1️⃣ Banded multidirectional taps from bear crawl 👉 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps per side 2️⃣ Tall kneeling banded pulses 👉 2-3 sets of 1-2 reps. 1 rep = 8-10 pulses up and 8-10 pulses down. 3️⃣ TRX serratus slides ?
BACK PAIN🔹️NECK PAIN🔹️MOBILITY on Instagram: "3️⃣ Еxercises for scoliosis. 1️⃣ The first exercise, we rest on one hand, pull the other hand to the side so that the vector of movement resembles an arc. I recommend performing these movements in front of the mirror. 2️⃣ The second exercise. We pull our hand up as much as possible, while not lifting off the floor. Relax your back to decompress your spine. 3️⃣ The third exercise. We fix two points of the spine - this is the head and the butt. And rotate the back in a circle so that these two points are stationary. 🫶🏻 Liked the video, like and subscribe to new exercises Great post by @makarin #gym #exercise #back #backpain #pilates #yoga #fitness #scoliose"
Katie St.Clair - CSCS, CPT on Instagram: "As the shoulder girdle feels supported with the help of some tension pushing out and in, the inhale can help to create opening at the rib cage. If you struggle with pushups, have scapular winging, are hypermobile or just have more laxity in the shoulder joint, then this variation will be amazing for you! A few pointers: 🔷 Make sure you fully push away at the top. 🔷 As you drag the hands out and in try to keep a sense of your tripod. 🔷Start on your knees and use the hamstrings to help you to get the technique down. ⭐️ Jam packed newsletter with 2 exercises for lower and upper body that help create tension more distal so we can find more motion proximal at the pelvis and ribcage. Make sure you are in my list. #shouldermobility #shoulderheal
Jenny Brennecke on Instagram: "YOU BET these are a part of my workout program dropping tomorrow - May 27th 🙌 Rotational split squats are a fantastic rotational exercise to get you training in the transverse plane 🏌🏼‍♀️ The strong and functional 8 week workout program will challenge your strength, stability, endurance and conditioning…. IN ALL PLANES OF MOTION. 🏋🏼‍♂️ The 8 week workout split: ➡️ DAY 1: LEGS ➡️ DAY 2: ARMS & CORE ➡️ DAY 3: POSTERIOR CHAIN ➡️ DAY 4: PRESS ➡️ DAY 5: FULL-BODY/CONDITIONING To help keep you accountable during the program: there are 2 weekly tasks - a detailed weekly check in, and weigh ins. Along with upon purchasing the program, you will be a part of the strong and functional group - a community who is actively going through the program. Great to sha
Squat University on Instagram: "Whatever your reason is for building core stability 😂 offset loading kettlebells is an excellent way to build it! Here’s some of the science behind it. . Shout out @esther.burden for the opening stitched video & @everygotdamndre for being an athlete model. @muscleandmotion for the anatomy graphics."
Dr. Mitch Israel | Movement & Mobility Specialist on Instagram: "📐UNEVEN SHOULDERS⁉️ • • 🤔Do you notice one of your shoulders is higher than the other? Try this routine! • • 1️⃣Reduce Tension: Child’s Pose Breathing - 10 Breaths 2️⃣Restore Motion: Quad Scapular CARs - 5 Reps 3️⃣Reinfornce: Low Bear Holds - 3 Reps (30 Secs) • • Usually uneven shoulders isn’t caused by just one thing. So, this will help you target several key factors that can lead to it. • • If this routine helped, then you want to structure this into your warm-ups, or add it to your daily stretch routine! • • ⚠️All content is EDUCATIONAL (not medical advice). If you are unsure if this content will help you, DON’T be a hero and seek a local medical or movement professional. #unevershoulders shoulder #shoulders #shoulder
Meghan Callaway - Fitness Coach on Instagram: "10 Top Exercises For Healthier Shoulders 💪💪 Here are 10 exercises that can be great for improving shoulder health and durability. 👉👉 Follow me if you want to build more durable and resilient shoulders. ▶️▶️ SWIPE to see all 10 exercises!! 1️⃣ Prone weighted dowel raises (start off using dowel only, and aim to lift dowel just a few inches off floor. Keep in mind I have REALLY good shoulder controlled mobility and am using a range I can control/feels good) 👉 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps 2️⃣ Single arm floor presses + posterior band resistance (good for working rotator cuff) 👉 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps per side 3️⃣ Weight transfers from bear crawl 👉 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps per side 4️⃣ Prone serratus towel slide-outs 👉 2-3 sets of 8-15
Meghan Callaway - Fitness Coach on Instagram: "Bored of crunches? Spice up your ‘’ab’’ routine with these! 🔥🔥 I’m not saying crunches are a BAD exercise! But a LOT of people don’t know any better and do crunches for ‘’core stability’’ as it’s all they see/are familiar with. The goal with these exercises is to focus on form, body position, tension, and stability, NOT exhaustion!! ▶️▶️ SWIPE to see all 10 exercises. 1️⃣ Dead bugs with double weight lowering 👉 2-3 sets of 5-10 reps per side 2️⃣ Hip flexor inhibited sit-ups + single arm overhead weight hold 👉 2-3 sets of 5-12 reps per side (of the weight hold) 3️⃣ TRX/ring fall-outs 👉 2-3 sets of 8-15 reps 4️⃣ Dead bug/banded psoas march combo 👉 2-3 sets of 5-10 reps per side 5️⃣ Feet elevated forearms to hands presse
Kristen Bos | Doctor of Physical Therapy on Instagram: "Unlocking the secrets to neck tightness! 🤔💆‍♂️ Did you know that the positioning of our ribcage plays a major role in those nagging neck issues? 🔄 Uneven load can lead to decreased mobility, straining, stiffness, and pain. This makes a lot of sense when you think about it, due to the ribcage being the base that the neck and head rest on throughout the day. But fear not! 🌟 Try this game-changing exercise to address ribcage positioning tendencies and stiffness and bid farewell to neck discomfort. 🙌🏻 Your neck will thank you later! 💙 #NeckRelief #PostureMatters #MoveBetterFeelBetter #physicaltherapy #PT #choosept #movementismedicine #physiotherapy #neckpainexercises #neckpain #treatyourself #neckstiffness #stiffneck
Meghan Callaway - Fitness Coach on Instagram: "Travel Workout: 10 Band Exercises That Will Get You STRONG! 💪💪 Do you ever find yourself traveling for work or pleasure and you want to get in an effective workout, but the hotel, AirBnb, or wherever you are staying lacks a quality gym? This is a complaint many people voice. I have you covered! Here are 10 resistance band exercises that are challenging, and that will deliver top results! ▶️▶️ SWIPE to see all 10 exercises. 1️⃣ Long Lever Copenhagen Plank + Banded Psoas Marches 2️⃣ ISO Push-Up + Single Arm Banded Slide-Outs 👉 2-3 sets of 6-12 reps per side 3️⃣ Band Resisted Step-Downs 👉 2-3 sets of 6-12 reps per side 4️⃣ Half Kneeling Band Resisted Rows 👉 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps per side 5️⃣ Band Resisted Staggered Stance Deadlift