
35 Pins
35 DIY ideas to turn your garden into a fairytale story | My desired home
35 DIY ideas to turn your garden into a fairytale story | My desired home
Awesome Ways To Upcycle a TIN CAN! (Cheap & Easy)
Cheap & Easy Upcycling Christmas Craft: DIY Rustic Vase made out of a tin can! Looking for upcycling crafts? There are so many ways to dress up a tin can! This cheap and easy project is great for kids and adults! Simply use sticks and hot glue to cover a tin can. #upcycling #recycling #easycrafts #instrupix
How to make DIY Sea Glass Stepping Stones
Learn how to make garden stepping stones using colorful sea glass. This project requires only a few inexpensive materials including glass pieces. Full video included #lovelygreens #diygarden #seaglass
Cool and Low-Budget Garden Decorations Inspired by Butterfly
Cool and Low-Budget Garden Decorations Inspired by Butterfly #BudgetGardenDecorations #GardenDecorations #Butterfly
Recycled Craft Idea: Make Plastic Bottle Garden Art
Learn how to turn empty plastic water bottles into a fun garden art craft. It's the perfect summer art project for kids!
15 Ways To Decorate Your Garden With Recycled Materials
Recycled materials look right at home in the garden among the beauty of nature! #backyardideas #backyard #budget #garden #frugalgarden #budgetbackyard #backyardideas #ideas #gardening #gardenideas
50 Creative + Recycled Garden Art Projects
62 DIY Garden Art Projects using repurposed and recycled materials. #empressofdirt #gardenart #crafts
50 Creative + Recycled Garden Art Projects
50 Garden art projects to add creative whimsy to your patio or backyard. #gardenart #tutorials #empressofdirt
20+ Beautiful Garden Crafts to Make with Recycled Materials
The best garden craft projects make with recycled materials. These upcycling DIYs are so cool and some of these look so easy!
Vogeltränke |
Ein Rhababerblatt eignet sich perfekt dazu, um eine Vogeltränke zu basteln. Das tolle DIY kann jeder selbst machen, da es sehr einfach umzusetzen ist. Sieht im Garten richtig toll aus.