Mad Hatter

18 Pins
Could be fun for Alice in Wonderland Mad hatter tea party prop--could do this with card board for less $ and recycling purposes.
Home - Jennifer Oliphant
Could put anything and everything in jars and decanters. Flowers, ribbons, brooches and photos!
How to Start Selling at Craft Fairs and Handmade Vintage Markets (The Beginner's Guide) - Jennifer Rizzo
tea party.. garden idea.. mad hatter approved!
Cet article n'est pas disponible - Etsy
Alice au pays des merveilles Mini chapeau par SweetIntentions4U
DIY Mad Hatter Top Hat - DIY Inspired
DIY Mad Hatter Hat from Cardboard and Fabric,, if only I had known this two years ago
Allstair Campbell – Alice in Underland
go ask alice... or the mad hatter | Allstair Campbell – Alice in Underland • Dark Beauty
Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts|Couples Halloween Costume Ideas
this would be a simple tattoo yet if you know the meaning it's so much more.