Limestone Paving

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A corner John couldn't use was easily made in to a usable space with a Highland Blend Circle and Cobbles Credit to Drew Hilton for the installation. #GardenDesign #Landscaping #Paving #Garden circles
Narrogin Stock feeds has added to the display we completed earlier in the year. Looks amazing. From next week they will be holding every size of circle in stock 😍
Narrogin Stock feeds has added to the display we completed earlier in the year. Looks amazing. From next week they will be holding every size of circle in stock 😍
BLACK FRIDAY SALE - NOW LIVE Online 20% Discount on Circles and Paving 10% Discount on Retaining posts and Panels Weathered Steel edging Bundle deals. This is the last sale Dale Stone Website will be having as we move over to mainly wholesale we will be launching a new website to support this change. All items will be available through stockists and there will be some limited factory direct specials. More news on this to follow. Meanwhile enjoy the discounts Ends at midnight Friday 29t...
A great example of our 2.5 circle with cobbles. This customer has also used weathered steel and Tobiishi stepping stones to create a beautiful feature garden.
Watch this space. Starting a new display in Bentley today.
Beautiful sky over the factory last night. After a tough trip home from deliveries it was a wonderful reward to get back to .
3 sizes of round white stepping stone as used on The Block this week. Available to purchase at our stockists including Mandurah Soils ain't Soils, Kambarang Garden Centre Bentley and Albany All soils. Also available in grey at Dunsborough and Busselton Soils ain't soils.
Another lovely garden created with weathered steel edging. Easy care, desert style front landscaping idea.
This garden in Byford is absolutely stunning. They have used different heights of straight curve flex line to create raised round garden beds and meandering edges. The planting selection works really well. We look forward to seeing what this green fingered home owner does with the Tobiishis we dropped off today. ( Permission was given to take photos) #GardenDesign #Landscaping #weatheredsteel #gardenedging tamm
We are often asked if our flex line straightcurve edging makes a circle. The answer is Yes 1 piece makes a 700mm circle 2,pieces 1.4 and so on....
We are often asked if our flex line straightcurve edging makes a circle. The answer is Yes 1 piece makes a 700mm circle 2,pieces 1.4 and so on....
This customer was left with a big gap each side of his drive. River Stone was a low maintenance solution. This is the 100 plus size. ( The largest of the 3 sizes we offer)
The Riverstone looks great in his project. Pictured here is 40 to 100 size. Order on line
We delivered the second circle to this customer yesterday and he was kind enough to show us his previous project. 2.5 Stonewash Rotunda Circle.