
Empathy Game: A Tool to Teach Kids to Be Considerate {Free Printable} - Moments A Day
Free printable game to help kids develop empathy for others. Would be good for a class meeting or family meeting. What would you do if...
Other Side of the Story: Fairy Tales with a Twist - Hardcover- 5 Books in One
"Introduces the concept of point of view through retellings of five classic fairy tales - 'Cinderella,' 'Jack and the Beanstalk,' 'The Little Mermaid,' 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears,' and 'Little Re
Which Emotion Am I? Exploring Emotions Guessing Game
A fun game for exploring big emotions with school aged kids. Great for parents and educators,a helpful tool for helping children develop emotional intelligence.
Pet Store Dramatic Play
How to set up a pet store in your dramatic play center (with tons of math and literacy learning opportunities)
Creative Ideas For Teaching Drama Lessons
Drama lessons and ideas for teachers from the 2 Peas and a Dog blog.
teachkidsdramastuff.com - teachkidsdramastuff Resources and Information.
Drama games