Scripture Study

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Abinadi is so great! I hope to be as strong and as valiant as he was! We find great examples in the scriptures! #dailystudy #bofmjournaling #bookofmormon #scripturefun #pride #mosiah #mosiah11 #lds #repent #anger
There are so many things that I ❤️about this page! The Brother of Jared! I love his example of faith! #bookofmormon #ether3 #bofmjournaling #brotherofjared #scripturefun #lds #ldsartist #light #mormon #jesuschrist #eternalfather
Choose Eternal life. It is a choice. Everyday. We can choose to be kind, we can choose to be happy, we can choose eternal life. Our Savior gave us this choice. If it wasn't for him we would have no hope. Choose eternal life!❤️❤️❤️ #atonement #scriptures #lds #2nephi3 #chooseeternallife #bofmjournaling #scripturefun #mixed-media
Old Testament Timeline Color Poster by Laura Wilson
Psalm 61:1-3 "Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy. " #belovedartfebruary