Awareness Campaigns

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March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. There are around 17 million people with cerebral palsy worldwide. Although a physical condition cerebral palsy can be associated with other medical complications as well as vision conditions, epilepsy and cognition and learning difficulties. CP is believed to be associated with injury to the developing brain during pregnancy, although in many cases the cause is unknown. CP is a permanent physical disability with no known cure.
Happy Harmony Day! It’s so important for us to celebrate our cultural diversity. It’s what makes this world so beautiful. Everyone belongs 🖤🖤🖤 #diverselyhuman #differenttogether #awareness #inclusion #diversity #acceptance #humour #diversitymatters #embracediversity #diversityisbeautiful #diversityandinclusion #different #differentisbeautiful #focusonthegood #harmonyday #happiness #respect #multiculturalism #opportunity #community #harmonyday2019 #everyonebelongs
To everyone that lives with epilepsy or watches a loved one live with epilepsy, let me tell you I think you are super human. Unlike World Down Syndrome Day, it’s not a day for celebration but an opportunity to raise awareness for those living with epilepsy. To start conversations and let those who are impacted by seizures know that they are not alone 💜💜💜
April is Sexual Assault Awareness month and aims to not only raise awareness but also educate individuals and communities about how to prevent sexual violence. The statistics are staggering and on the rise 💚 in Australia around 17% of women and 4% of men have experienced sexual assault since the age of 15 💚 only about 17% of reported sexual offences result in a conviction 💚 15% of women of women had been sexually assaulted by someone known to them compared with 4% assaulted by a stranger.
April is Limb Loss Awareness Month. The purpose is to educate and celebrate by sharing the realities of living with limb loss or limb difference. ✨ There are many causes for amputation including cancer, vascular disease, trauma accidents, infection and birth deficiencies. ✨ There are many support groups around the world whose mission is to empower and advocate for people affected by limb loss to enable them to reach their full potential. You are not alone. 🧡🧡🧡