classroom managment

43 Pins
Relief Teaching Ideas
Concertina Changing Pictures - show changing seasons, volcano erupting, environmental changes, pollution, facial expressions...
Teaching in Room 6
fun way to answer text book questions... 1. group students 2. students individually read and answer each question on post it 3. groups discuss answers, clarify/revise, and ultimately agree on best answer 4. one student in each group takes a turn putting post it on printout of question 5. class discusses all different answers 6. together, write "best" answer in foldable to study!
Emergency Sub Plans: The Sick Teacher's Savior
There are days when we are too sick to go to school, and too sick to plan for a sub. This product provides secondary English teachers with plans they can use for any text and any time. Stay home. Get better.
The Disappearing Pencil Trick
Inexpensive, colorful duct tape to flag pencils and help prevent them from disappearing
Daily 5 - Easy to make! Easy to manage!#Repin By:Pinterest++ for iPad#
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Easy DIY board to keep things organized, rather than sticking them all over the board with magnet clips.
Art Classroom Management Archives - Create Art with ME
I think this is awesome - love the 'ninja mode'! Good for all levels.