Better Menopause Club

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Ignoring All The Doom And Gloom On The News Is Easy In The Garden
Honestly, when we take our eyes off the mainstream news (I've been in production and have a fairly good handle on what makes the news and why) we free our brains from pressure, fear and stress. It's also a good feeling to take back control of how we spend our time. #menopausesupport #menopauselove #menopausesisters #youarenotalone #perimenopause #bettermenopause
Turning Off The News And Catching Up On Some Reading
You know travelling through menopause actually equips us for this strange change that all of us are experiencing right now. We menopausal gals know the uncomfortable feelings of our bodies changing before our eyes when it appears all around us are living life as usual. #menpausesupport #bettermenopause #managingmenopause #perimenopause
Changing Habits During Menopause Is A Great Way To Free Up Time And Energy
I never realised just how tough it is to change habits. I wonder if we all deep down like to hear the bad news as it makes our lot more bearable. Maybe it gives us a sense of control that we are not that poor person going through that event. Whatever it is, it really does take some breaking of the habit of soaking up all those doom 'n' gloom news reports. #menopausestress #menopausesupport #youarenotalone #menopauseweekend #perimenopause #managingmenopause #bettermenopauseclub
Feeling Stressed? Then Try Taking "A News Holiday"
So this week we are looking at ways to destress from all this news that we are being bombarded with constantly, from waking to going to sleep. Everytime we turn around there is another theory, or idea or thought about why we are currently experiencing this event. #positivemenopause #menopausesupport #menopausehelp #perimenopause #bettermenopause
Learning How To Manage The Abundance Of Information In Today's World Reduces Stress
Overwhelm is common during menopause. Things that really we never bothered worrying about in the past can all of a sudden take on a huge significance. We find ourselves waking up at night fretting over what we have heard during the day. #menopausepeace #menopausementalhealth #menopausesupport #perimenopause #mentalhealth #womenshealth #menopausehelp
How Do We Cope With Stress During Menopause When Facing A Global Crisis?
What crazy times we are living in! All around us we are being bombarded with news from this country and that country and not much of it is uplifting. If everyone knew how viruses work within our bodies, there would be a whole lot less fear and fear actually weakens our immune systems. #menopausestress #menopausediet #menopausesupport #perimenopause #menopausehelp #angrywithGod
Comparing Notes During Menopause Is a Useful Thing To Do and Helps Us Feel Connected
When it comes to our menopause journey, one of the most important parts is support. Just knowing you're not on your own makes a huge difference. Discovering natural ways to manage menopause is something that we all love to share and this week Margaret is touching base with Janet and comparing notes. Menopause is very much a team sport and we need to encourage each other every step of the way. <3 #menopausesupport #menopauseteam #bettermenopauseclub #perimenopause #menopausediet
Knowing What Is In Our Diet Enables Us To Choose A Simple Meal Plan And Reduce Symptoms
Years ago our grandparents knew what real food is. During menopause the best diet we can choose is a simple one. Simple ingredients, minus all the preservatives, colorings and man-made additives. My philosophy for years has been God-made not man-made. The simpler the food, the better. #menopausediet #bettermenopause #menopausesupport #perimenopause #managingmenopause
Increasing Fruit And Veges In Our Diet During Menopause Can Really Help Decrease Symptoms
It is so exciting when I hear of another woman who has discovered the amazing benefits of eating more fresh fruit and veges. #menopausediet #menopausesupport #perimenopause #menopausehealth #womenshealth #readKJVbible
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Taking Some Time To Keep A Daily Record Of Our Diet During Menopause To Pinpoint Problems
It's amazing what happens when we take a little time each day to record what we are eating. During menopause, our diet can make or break the experience. The trouble is we can easily forget what foods we had yesterday that may be causing increased symptoms (eg hot flushes/flashes) today. Keeping a simple diary can quickly pinpoint the problem areas. #menopausediet #menopausefitness #womenshealth #managingmenopause #perimenopause #menopausesupport
Discover How Simple It Is To Make Changes To Your Diet To Reduce Symptoms
Trying to get on top of weight change, cravings and poor food choices can be very difficult during menopause. It takes stopping and assessing what we are doing right now and what our regular line-up of meals looks like. #menopausediet #menopausesupport #menopauseflush #menopauseflash #perimenopause #youcandothis #naturalmenopause #bettermenopause #readyourbibleKJB
Watching Our Food Intake During Menopause Can Greatly Improve Symptoms
It's amazing what happens to our systems when we fill up on fast food and sugary treats. During menopause that can be a recipe for disaster, resulting in mood swings, foggy brain, poor sleep, hot sweats and flushes/flashes, etc. Let's face it, there's quite a list of symptoms that we typically experience during menopause often symptoms can be helped by tweaking our diet? #menopausediet #bettermenopause #menopausesupport #perimenopause #menopausefitness #yougotthis #virtualhug
Menopause Can Have Some Really Good Benefits As It Makes Us Stop And Assess Our Diet
Alas, there really does come a time when our body has had enough of fast food and artificial colors and flavors. That's when experiencing menopause and the changes that come with it, can be a really good thing. Getting our diet into a more simple format can make the world of difference to symptoms and moods. #menopausediet #menopausesupport #menopauseboundaries #perimenopause #yougotthis #remembertopray #Godisincontrol #JesusChristisLord
Our Dietary Needs Change During Menopause And We Need To Choose A Healthier Path
Margaret is getting confused. Everyone is telling her that everything changes when menopause arrives. She is becoming annoyed at the hot flushes/flashes she keeps experiencing in this new chapter in her life. #menopausediet #menopausechanges #menopausesupport #bettermenopause #menopausetesshansel #perimenopause #menopausestress #menopauseboundaries