Dye Colour Palettes

Ice-Dyed Socks! Stunning pink + purple ice-dye technique
Watch us create cute ice-dyed socks! This DIY tie-dyeing technique is quick and easy. The colour combination of pink and purple gives fantastic dye patterns and colourways.
Ice-Dyed Onesies in a jar! Fun tie-dye technique
Try ice-dyeing with a twist - with single colours of dyes in jars. The crumpled patterns and ice-dyed colour splits produced beautiful results. This ice-dyeing technique is definitely worth a try!
Rainbow spiral tie-dye colour palette
DIY your own rainbow spiral tie-dye shirt with a video tutorial and instructions! Find more tie-dye color schemes and color palettes for Procion dyes at dyediy.com #colors #colorinspiration #colorpalettes #tiedye
Dharma Procion tie-dye hex codes for digital dye design and recording
Green tie-dyed colour palette
DIY your own green fan fold tie-dye shirt with a video tutorial and instructions! Find more tie-dye color schemes and color palettes for Procion dyes at dyediy.com #colors #colorinspiration #colorpalettes #tiedye
Pink and purple fan fold tie-dye colour palette
DIY your own pink and purple fan fold tie-dye cropped shirt with a video tutorial and instructions! Find more tie-dye color schemes and color palettes for Procion dyes at dyediy.com #colors #colorinspiration #colorpalettes #tiedye