Animal Massage

Slippery floors exacerbate pain in arthritic dogs.
Supplements, anti inflammatories etc. are all part of the overall treatment to manage arthritis in dogs. However, if your dog is constantly struggling to walk on the floor in your house, none of these strategies will be effective.
Is your dog in pain?
Dogs are very good at hiding pain. Many pet guardians don't even realise that their dog is experiencing pain or discomfort unless the dog is visibly limping or there is an apparent sign that they are ill. Animal massage and bodywork practitioners are trained to recognise pain reactions, to feel for restricted areas of fascia and resolve muscle tightness. If not dealt with, minor muscle and fascial restrictions can be exacerbated and will need a lot more work to resolve.
Slippery floors exacerbate pain in arthritic dogs.
Supplements, anti inflammatories etc. are all part of the overall treatment to manage arthritis in dogs. However, if your dog is constantly struggling to walk on the floor in your house, none of these strategies will be effective.
Dog behaviour
Behaviour doesn't happen in a vacuum. It is up to us to learn to understand why our dog is behaving in a certain way. Stay away from dominance trainers who attribute human traits to dogs as an explanation. Dogs are not humans. Dogs are canids. Look to behaviourists who rely on scientific studies to help you learn to "speak dog".
5 Poisonous plants for cats
We all love having beautiful plants in our gardens. But did you know that some of the most common plants are actually very toxic to cats? These are just 5 of them, however there are many more. If you are thinking of bringing a cat into your family, please research which plants are poisonous and then check out your garden and indoor plants.