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Walk Around The Wales Coastal Path
Walk Around The Wales Coastal Path – Rambling At The Bridge Head
Why do genius creatives like Dylan Thomas turn to alcohol?
Why genius creatives like Dylan Thomas turn to alcohol - Wales Online
Richard Burton reads 'Deaths and Entrances', a poem by Dylan Thomas.
Dylan Marlais Thomas : Born in Swansea, South Wales 27th October 1914 – 9th November 1953. A Welsh poet and writer whose works include the poems "Do not go gentle into that good night" and "And death shall have no dominion", the "play for voices", Under Milk Wood, and stories and radio broadcasts such as A Child's Christmas in Wales and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog.
Lemon Tea and Earwig Biscuits
We’ll always be young and unwise together. There is, I suppose, in the eyes of the They, a sort of sweet madness about you and me, a sort of mad bewilderment and astonishment oblivious to the Nasties and the Meanies; you’re the only person, of course, you’re the only person from here to Aldebaran and back, with who I’m free entirely; and I think it’s because you’re as innocent as me. - letter from Dylan Thomas to Caitlin Macnamara, c.1936
Discover Dylan Thomas: Placing Literature | Discover Dylan Thomas
Welcome to the first of a new regular blog by Hannah Ellis, granddaughter of Dylan Thomas #DylanThomas
Dylan Marlais Thomas - Welsh poet and writer whose works include the poems "Do not go gentle into that good night" and "And death shall have no dominion", the "play for voices", Under Milk Wood, and stories and radio broadcasts such as A Child's Christmas in Wales and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog.