my heart, my soul

142 Pins
Hp Lyrikz - Inspiring Quotes
I sleep because I need peace in my mind and heart
And it hurts because you can feel the good feelings get replaced with fear and when u get to the destination u vomit
It's absolutely terrifying to let someone in, to let them see the darkest corners of your soul. The reasons why you cry and why they make you happy. It's absolutely terrifying because they might run away with your secrets and never give them back.
It's very true, but ever since I was young I was always told by a family member never to cry, and if I did I would become weak. Anytime I got hurt, since I was little and dumb, I tried not to cry cause I didn't want to disappoint her. And now, years and years later, I find it very hard to cry. Nearly impossible, but it takes a lot. Yeah, sometimes tears leak out, maybe five, but not heavy crying like one would expect.
Pablo Gerbasi >>
i get this feeling a lot....