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Fabulous Model of Pediatrician Office: Wonderful Natural Modern Pediatrician Office Design Floral Green Atmosphere ~ Office Designs Inspiration
Reducing Visual Overload In The ED - HCD Magazine
Reducing Visual Overload In The ED | Healthcare Design --- The Cleveland Clinic Art Program began collecting and installing contemporary fine art in its facilities in 2006. At the Brunswick ED, a series of images hangs in the corridor that leads from the waiting area to the exam bays. Photo: Photography by Kevin G. Reeves; Courtesy of Westlake Reed Leskosky
COLUMBUS PRIVATE CLINIC, Milan, Italy Healthcare Design
jean de lessard uses color + feng shui to organize montreal pharmacy
The Inside Story: Lessons From IIDA's Healthcare Interior Winners - HCD Magazine
The three populations served within MedStar Georgetown University Hospital’s pediatrics and OB/GYN suite—children, adolescents, and women—have separately themed waiting areas arranged around a “central square” concept. The pediatrics space features family-friendly banquettes. Photo: courtesy of IIDA
Gallery of AIA Announces Winners of National Healthcare Design Awards - 8
Gallery of AIA Announces Winners of National Healthcare Design Awards - 8