
19 Pins
This Baker's Pastel Cake Creations Will Give You Magical Unicorn Vibes
This Baker's Pastel Cake Creations Will Give You Magical Unicorn Vibes
This Baker's Pastel Cake Creations Will Give You Magical Unicorn Vibes
This Baker's Pastel Cake Creations Will Give You Magical Unicorn Vibes
Book cake
Birthday Book Cake created by Takes the Cake:
Happy Book Birthday HEARTACHE MOTEL!
The ExPat Returneth: Happy Book Birthday HEARTACHE MOTEL!
7 fun ways to ice a cake - Today's Parent
Piped, painted, smeared or slathered—your cake will be gorgeous with these great ways to ice a cake.
Make a whimsical cake - Baking Bites
whimsical cakes, tilt cakes: a short how to. Also some interesting comments from blog readers. One says they do these cakes and use a stiff filling to create the tilt and have no cake waste from cutting rounds.