My Inspiration Board

With the help of the 12WBT - its given me the encouragement to do it - to be the person I dream to be. When something (such as my body image, self esteem, happiness) effects what you do & who you are - you know its time to make changes - big or small, some may think its too extreme, not worth it, too much time spent at gym & planning meals etc. But when it effects your life your more then willing to do what it takes. Im so devoted, Its not a temporary change. ITS A LIFE TIME ONE!
17 Pins
One of my goals in 12 months time is to do a walk-a-thon to fundraise money for a good cause!
Motivational Exercise Quotes
"Physical fitness can neither be achieved by wishful thinking nor outright purchase" ~Joseph Pilates ~
Man People Athletic Gym Gymnasium Body Stock Illustration 83158924 | Shutterstock
Lots of options to chose from!
5 Girls & 7 Boys – Gender and Sex in a Kindergarten Class
My 2 kids - MY EVERYTHING! The reason I live everyday. I want my life with them for the longest time possible, happy, fun, exciting, adventurest - I need to be fit and healthy to do so... and to also set a good example for them! Be a good role model that they need me to be :) Love them more then anything - they alone are enough couragement to do anything I set my mind to!
To become a personal trainer, to help others beat their battle to weightloss... what great role model ill be when they will have me to look at and see my results!
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Modivation- to wear a swim suit to the beach, last time I got to was when I was in high school!