
22 Pins
A book may seem impossible
Even though writing a book may seem impossible for you, it is absoluely not! One day you'll know this to be true. Not just for other people, but for you! #writing #Quotes #pintrestquotes #authorlife #howtowrite
What are your hidden strengths? 💜
Take the first step to a freer life…tell your story 💗
Expression Challenge of today 💜 What motivates you?
How are you experiencing joy today? What can you do for yourself to increase that joy? 💜 #ExpressionChallenge
Starting a conversation is empowering 💗
#ExpressionChallenge of today 💜
Women Inspire Women 💜 #GracedWithWomanhood #Inspire
We all deserve to be here. Remind yourself of that today 💜
Don’t try to be something your not just to fit someone else’s version of “normal.” The real YOU is AMAZING. #GracedWithWomanhood