21st century learning

30 Pins
18 Flexible Seating Ideas for your Classroom!
Classroom seating is going from metal chairs to alternative seating options! Check out 18 flexible seating options for your classroom! There are suggestions such as yoga balls, scoop rockers, wobble chairs, and more! Check out classroom furniture that you could get FOR FREE! Turn your classroom into a 21st century classroom with these flexible seating options!
What Are 10 Tips For Creating Inspiring Spaces For Learning? #infographic
What Are 10 Tips For Creating Inspiring Spaces For Learning? #infographic
Growth Mindset Quotes to Inspire Children
grow your life
Create an Inventor Supply Lab with Recycled Materials | STEM Activities for Kids - The Educators' Spin On It
Create an Inventor Supply Lab with Recycled Materials | STEM Activities for Kids
Home - The Teacher Next Door
Read about how I use Brain Breaks to help my students re-focus and more! Brain Breaks reduce behavior problems, relieve stress, and lead to increased student performance in the classroom!
10 Ways to Support Students with Hyperactivity & Attention Needs - Teaching with Jillian Starr
10 Ways to support students struggling with Hyperactivity and Attention! I love this my students with ADHD and sensory needs!
Bridlewood Elementary introduces "The Space" a new, flexible learning environment.
How to Roll Out Student Work Spaces When You Do Alternative Seating – KindergartenWorks
how to roll out student work spaces {alternative seating}
KQED | News, Radio, Podcasts, TV | Public Media for Northern California
For home and classroom—standing desks for kids. A Stand2Learn standing desk and stool. (Courtesy of Stand2Learn)