Mason Jar Pin Cushion Tutorial
Step by step instructions for turning a glass jar into a cute pin cushion with storage - Rae Gun Ramblings
Вязание крючком - игольницы,корзиночки,шкатулочки | Записи в рубрике Вязание крючком - игольницы,корзиночки,шкатулочки | Дневник Басёна : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
​Идеи создания милых игольниц
Adorable Pin Cushion in a Vintage Easter Egg Cup
How cute are these vintage Easter egg cup pincushions? Adorable and easy to make! An egg cup pin cushion would make a great Easter basket gift for a seamstress or stitcher. These require only basic sewing skills, so even kids could make them. Such a cute Easter craft. #easter #sewing #pincushion #eggcup #eastercrafts