Stuff to try

110 Pins
Python Enclosure with fake rock background.
1200mm x 900mm x 600mm enclosure with fake rock background, dribbling waterfall, vines and basking shelf.
Fake rock water bowl
Fake rock water bowl for our new python enclosure. Its part of a drip waterfall.
3D Aquarium Backgrounds & Fish Tank Decorations - Aquadecor
Cliffs, caves, hiding places... Ready for a Malawi “Hide And Seek” game 😊
fabricant de décor, terrarium,terrarien Aquaterrarium, désertique, tropicale,fausse roche, résine
fabricant de décor, terrarium,terrarien Aquaterrarium, désertique, tropicale,fausse roche, résine
Exo-Terra 65g Build PIC-HEAVY!!!
V I V A R I U M L I F E: Photo