Dreamcatcher on Craftsuprint designed by Lori Russell - American Indian Dreamcatcher Iris Folding Pattern - Now available for download!
Mary Quite Contrary
Huichol peoples of western Mexico The Ojo de Dios or God’s eye is a ritual tool, magical object, and cultural symbol evoking the weaving motif and its spiritual associations. For the Huichol peoples of western Mexico, the God’s Eye is symbolic of the power of seeing and understanding that which is unknown and unknowable, The Mystery. The four points represent the elemental processes earth, fire, air, and water.
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Deep tribe" Hand woven Mandala mobile - God's eye by wiwamandalas on Etsy
This item is unavailable - Etsy
native american nursery Power Stone Dream Catcher Mobile by SLEEPWALKERSrva on Etsy, $150.00
New mandala mobiles almost ready! Lots of different colours! I also create custom made mandalas! Shipping to Sydney only AUD6.00. Send me an inbox please!
New mandala mobiles on the way!!
Creating new mandala mobile designs!! To decorate home and inspire you everyday!