Motivation | Self Help | Spirituality | Life Goals
Find out what you have been letting stop you. Reach your full potential.
Spirituality truth. We are all one, and impact others all the time. Read more at my web page.
One of the important truths in life is that our thoughts become things, therefore it is important that we choose our thoughts wisely, making sure they are positive, at least most of the time. Because what we think about, focus on, repeatedly, we will create in our lives. What is interesting about this, is that the field of Spirituality has known this for years. Now science, in particular, quantum physics, is proving this to be true.
Spiritual tips for the week.
Thought for the day from the Little Box of Miracles. "Miracles are constantly manifesting in my life." This is one I personally love from A Box of Thoughts on Spirituality. “God (or source) speaks to us every day, only we don’t know how to listen.” “Being whole has a lot to do with acknowledging the spiritual part of our natures.” Jan Karon, from A Box of Thoughts on Spirituality. Spirituality is one of my passions in life, and I will be writing some thoughts and tips weekly here.
New book, Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualisation
Spiritual connection is essential for mental health and wellbeing. • Connection to Universe/ Source/God/Higher-Self/Spirit/ Entelechy/Love all being the same, brings joy and happiness and cures other ills in life. • Spiritual connection brings us back into balance with our natural state of Being, regaining Autonomy; Awareness, Spontaneity and Intimacy. • Discover what has been stopping you, and clients from finding your purpose and reaching self-actualisation.
The Power of Strokes
Strokes are one of my favourite TA topics. A Stroke is a unit of recognition. A compliment, smile, hug, words of support. Strokes can also be negative as in criticisms, hits, frown, however, let’s not go there. Strokes ideally need to be positive and building self-esteem. I believe that if each of us would agree to give just 5 strokes a day, to the people around us, the ills of life would be cured. We would live in a world of loving each other. Sound like a good idea? Let’s try it.
Motivational Quotes To Live By – Spiritual Quotes To Live By – A Resource For Positive Inspiration
Too true. I know way too many people who are fast,fast asleep.
Health & Parenting
Stress isn't just for adults! Learn how to recognize the signs that kids and teens may be stressed -- and ways to help them handle it.
32 COUNSELING GAMES: 950 Questions to Turn Any Game Into a SEL Counseling Game
You can turn ordinary store bought games into counseling games with The Make Your Own Counseling Game! Includes 12 game boards, dice and 32 topics relevant to school counselors. #counselinggame #schoolcounseling #copingskills
Book interview
This is an interview on youtube on my book, Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualisation.
Learn Transactional Analysis Theory
You can learn TA theory on-line in you own time. All of the main TA modules are available to learn TA tools to use in your clinical, education, or organizational practice. 12 core Modules have course work plus videos. Taught by Dr. Linda Gregory TSTA, qualified Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst. ELective modules are also available. TA is excellent for anyone to learn to understand why we do what we do, and how to make personal changes. Excellent for personal growth.
Good book to read. Find you dream.
All people in life are longing to find their purpose in life, to find their way to Self-Actualise, and connect to their deep spiritual self. • Spiritual connection bring happiness and mental health. • We are all one and part of the Universe. • Spirituality brings us back to our Autonomy, which is Awareness, Intimacy, and Spontaneity. • Discover what has been stopping you to reach your dreams.
Motivation | Self Help | Spirituality | Life Goals
My book is about clearing your past of all negative issues that might get in your way of growth and creating the life you dream of.