Guinea pig Care

Handy tips and tricks on Guinea pig Care. Bathing, nail clipping, feeding, and more.
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Our new mobile website is live now! Click on the image to find guinea pig care tips, ask a question and receive your free guinea pig care guide.
Bath time! Give your piggies a bath every once in a while; even if they don't like it. They'll be fresh and cuddly afterwards. :)
How to hold a guinea pig. Some people need a reminder or just education in general.
Fleece - How can I clean less? Once a week maybe. - Guinea Pig Cages
Some awesome suggestions here for minimizing cleaning time.
follow us on Instagram for more cute pics and contests :) username: @Guinea Pig Care
Sun Seed Double Treats Blueberry and Blocks for Guinea Pigs is loaded with Vitamin C, blueberries are the perfect compliment for this delicious treat bar. Includes two colorful fruit-flavored blocks to add fun to the guinea pigs natural desire to chew. Size: 3 ounce domain name is for sale. Inquire now.
How to Brush Your Guinea Pig!
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How to clean your guinea pig's cage! (from top to bottom)
Nutrition - READ ME- Cavy Nutrition Charts & Poisonous Plants List
What to feed your guinea pig... What NOT to feed them. Very good chart!
Take Care of a Pet Guinea Pig
Guinea Pig Pet Care Chart - customizable, other pet chart options
Guinea Piggies: Photo
Bath time! Washing your guinea pigs every 3 months is usually enough, but if they get really dirty, you can give them more :)
Guinea Pig Toys and Play
your guinea pigs should have something to hide in like a tube. has expired
Who Else Wants To Help Their Child Easily Learn How To Care For Their Pet Guinea Pig Using A Stress Free Natural Formula! Qualified Guinea Pig Expert Finally Reveals Her Cast-Iron Methods For Creating A Deep And Rewarding Relationship Between YOUR Child And Their Guinea Pig – Leapfrogging Every Obstacle Along The Way
Guinea Pig Care for Children
Guinea Pig Care for Children-smart idea!