
149 Pins
Evolution of a garden (and gardener!) as I go native
I do love colour. This grove in the north east ‘goes off’ in spring with Grevillea ‘Moonlight’, Chamelaucium uncinatum ‘CWA Pink’, Anigozanthos ‘Bush Pizazz’, Grevillea ‘Jennifer Joy’, Callistemon spp. and Leptospermum ‘Cardwell’
Native Violet, Viola hederaceae - I use it everywhere, with its bright green leaves and its sweet mauve/purple flowers raised above the foliage. It will rapidly fill in bare areas of soil between stepping stones.
Banksia blechnifolia • Australian Native Plants • Plants • 800.701.6517
Ground Cover - Banksia blechnifolia • Australian Native Plants Nursery • Plants • 800.701.6517
Scleranthus biflorus sometimes called Canberra grass or lime lava growing. A great native ground cover from Wallis Creek Watergarden
Scleranthus biflorus, a great native ground cover from Wallis Creek Watergarden
Pinguicula moranensis (Butterwort) - World of Succulents
Pinguicula moranensis – Butterwort - See more at:
Brachyscome Country Lights (Common Name - Rock Daisy) 125mm Pot - Dawsons Garden World
Brachyscome multifida. Low care Australian native daisy like ground cover plant.