3D Printing in the Classroom

28 Pins
Easily 3D print it yourself!
Use a 3D printer to make awesome resources for the classroom at a FRACTION of the price of store bought items. #3dprinting #maths #teacherswho3dprint #handsonlearning #hundredschart #placevalue #pentominoes #bagtags #maths #savingmoney #makeit #imaginativeteacher
Why didn't I think of using a 3D printer before?
Place value and hundreds chart can be quite abstract thinking for some students. Not anymore! #3dprinting #maths #teacherswho3dprint #moneysaver #handsonlearning #maths #hundredschart #placevalue #makeit #imaginativeteacher
Its a pentomino kind of day!
I love using hands on materials for understanding area, perimeter and translations. Such fun! #3dprinting #teacherswho3dprint #area #perimeter #translations #flip #slide #turn #imaginativeteacher
Showing different ways ot make 20
Students learn well when using hands on maths equipment #3dprinting #maths #teacherswho3dprint #handsonlearning #tenframes #placevalue #imaginativeteacher
How may ways can your partition 10?
Make it and record it using 3D printed ten frames #3dprinting #maths #teacherswho3dprint #handsonlearning #tenframes #placevalue #imaginativeteacher
Storing my collection of pentominoes
Having the pentominoes in one central place allows my students to get them out and play whenever they wish. So much fun! #3dprinting #maths #teacherswho3dprint #handsonlearning #flipslideturn #pentominoes #2Dshape #imaginativeteacher
I keep these in my car - winning!
I’m obsessed with Aldi special buys for my classroom and always forget my trolley token. Not anymore! #3dprinting #aldi #trolley #nomorelosttokens