Grimoire book

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Witchy QnAs & More: Ask me Questions on Witchcraft!
Witchy QnAs & More: Ask me Questions on Witchcraft!
Ideas for your Grimoire: Most Witches and magm workers have what's caued a Glimoile m a eos (Book of Secrets, Book ol Shadows, Book of Spells, whatever vou want m can it.) And many begmnev Witches are smmped as (o what they should put m vt, so here's a vew :deas‘ Your Gnmovre ‘5 personal to you You make ms book youv own. You don't need to pm every single bi! ol witchy knowledge m your book, amy what you believe and w be practicmg. ~wmchy hvstory. how and when magwc staded, how and when your specific sec: of witchcmfl gut started. eu: 'CryslaWS: their names and uses -Hevbs, moms, wees: their medicinal and mecaphysma! pmpenies -Rnua>s: tor Sabbats, holidays, em índias. characteristics and dates -P\anels/celeshal bodies: «hey relauon (o magic and mymmogy -Guds/goddesses/dei(ies: mew powers, how you must worship mem, en: Animals: mew souhual powers and Much animals are connected to you -Euoks: wmmgs you can use as refevence when needed ~Colors‘ dehnmons of each co‘or and what they can be used lol vmars: how and when to set them up. what ymfll need for your ahar muals -Recipes especiauy (or Ihose who win use cookmg/baking in then Witchcraft -s.gus and symbols: so you can essay reference mem ler your spens/ nmals “(hinºs ma: are speomo w you and we you power: Vor example, my laminar: are wolves and predator buds My irowers are tulwps. My seasons/Sabbals ave Autumn and Samnam, My herbs are Wormwood and game My celestial body Is the moon. My element Is five. Etc - iFunny