Religious Education

10 Pins
Printable Resurrection Peg Doll Set; Fun Christ-Centered Easter Craft
Check out this printable Resurrection Set! All you have to do is paint the heads, and the bodies Mod Podge right on. What a great hands-on way to teach the true Easter story for kids! Best Easter craft ever!
Easter Footsteps an Interactive Resurrection Advent Calendar - Free Printable - The Aloha Hut
Instead of just reading the Easter story have your kids draw it out and follow Jesus Christ's footsteps that he took in Jerusalem during that holy week. The printables are all free to download, along with step by step instructions of how to do the DIY activity with the family. Great interactive lesson for younger kids and toddlers. #HeisRisen #easteradvent #freeprintables #freeEasterprintables #Easterstory #HolyWeek #kidsactivites