
Poultry keeping
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Estate2 - Etsy
Repurposed salvaged gazebo frame made into a chicken coop; add chicken wire, gate, for those who want to go country; upcycle, recycle, salvage, diy, repurpose! For ideas and goods shop at Estate ReSale & ReDesign, Bonita Springs, FL
Hobby Farms | Livestock, Gardening & Homesteading
Infographic: Sick Chickens? Spot the Symptoms (HobbyFarms.com)
How to Train Chickens to Come When Called
Train your chickens to come when called, so you can let them out and get them in anytime you want. Also enables you to call them to safety when predators lurk. If you have multiple flocks, you can train each to come to a different call. Very helpful when you have new pullets free ranging with old flock, and need to get each flock to its own coop.
Method of growing greens to feed chickens- the wire keeps them from completely destroying the plants.
What a brilliant feed bin idea!!! No scrapping around and wasted feed on the floor and the feed would be kept dry in the rain (Ps not my photo)
New Chicken Coop (with surprise)
this is such a nice coop
Chicken Defense
Do your tender little garden plants need protection from animals that would like a taste? Try Chicken Wire Cloches.
Another Simple Coop That Works
A Chicken Coop you can be proud to have in your yard. -- Another Simple Coop That Works
Home - The Owner-Builder Network
This chicken house should keep even the fussiest poultry happy :-) http://theownerbuildernetwork.co/d18c