
87 Pins
Here's How To Sand Resin Like A Professional - Resin Obsession
How to sand resin smooth: get a smooth surface on resin art and jewelry - Resin Obsession
New Guide: Make a Glowing LED Resin River Table
New Guide: Make a Glowing LED Resin River Table « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!
New Guide: Make a Glowing LED Resin River Table
LED Table
Glowing Neopixel Resin River Table
Overview | Glowing Neopixel Resin River Table | Adafruit Learning System
Dad uses a PVC pipe & paint to make something so sweet for his 2-year-old daughter
how to make a epoxy resin table top
BRIGHT Ideas for a Blacklight Glow Party- The BEST blog entry on planning a glow party!
BRIGHT Ideas for a Blacklight Glow Party- The BEST blog entry on planning a glow party! - The Favor Maker
WordPress » Erreur
How to Make an Epoxy Resin River Table
For anyone wondering how I made that door.
For anyone wondering how I made that door. - Imgur
TechnoGlow Blue Glow in The Dark & UV Reactive Pigment Powder - 10 Grams
Blue Glow in the Dark & UV Powder, Waterproof (<50 Microns) 10 grams
Europium UltraGlow Powder - AQUA - $9.99
Europium UltraGlow® - new generation GLOW IN THE DARK material in pure powder; Non-Toxic & Non-Radioactive, also PAINT, permanent, water resistant, usable on fabric with extremely long afterglow time (12-15 hrs) when dry. Starts at $10.
6 Easy Tricks to Color Epoxy Resin With Powder - Resin Obsession
Using Pearl Ex with resin. Get tips for using Pearl Ex powdered colors with resin. Different ways to get unique looks with the same color.