Life Challenges

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Bushfire Preparation
#Bushfires #Australia #NSW #NewSouthWales #QLD #Queensland #Fire #FireEmergency Have you got your Bushfire #survival #plan #ready? If not, do it #today - and #download the #FiresNearMe app!!
Alison Thompson on Instagram: “Too tired to type - the Bahamas have been destroyed - continue to donate in the profile link - people are really suffering here.…” My (volunteerism advocate) #friend, Dr. #Alison #Thompson is getting a #team #together to assist in the #Bahamas, which; thanks to #Dorian has been #levelled. Forgot about that #future #holiday you always wanted to take to the Bahamas - it’s not there anymore - #gone!! To help: google search ‘#Third #Wave #Volunteers’.
#prayersforbahamas #prayersforflorida #prayersforusa #prayersforhurricanevictims #prayersforhurricanedorian - many of us sit in #safety, as our #friends in SE #USA are #bracing for their #lives - let’s do all we can to assist before & after.
Laundry-bedroom for rent 'hits new low' of Tauranga's housing crisis
'Way too far': Laundry bedroom for rent at $80 a week in Welcome Bay, Tauranga, causes uproar - NZ Herald
If you only listen to one thing #today - #listen to this: #AlisonThompson - #Inspirational #friend and #Australian/US #Humanitarian and #Volunteerism #Advocate - who has worked in #NY @ #GroundZero #WorldTradeCentre #Haiti and many other #disaster areas, #ministering and #serving the 'least of these' - #Thepoor #Thesad #Thedisadvantaged - she was raised as a #womanoffaith. #Supporther #Shareher #Prayforher
20/20 - a fascinating #doco - ‘Unfaithfully Yours’, #lstory of PTL #Ministries + Jim & #Tammy Faye #Bakker - explaining how it all started and how it all came apart #Ministry #Church #Documentary #Evangelists #TV #Mentalhealth #Healing #Jesus #God