
31 Pins
Sewing Tips: How to Install / Attach a Zipper
Best tutorial for adding a zipper - using tape is her secret.
Follow This Easy Tutorial to Create Your Own Pair of Women's Boxer Shorts |
Make this Look
patterns to make your own cute things from modcloth! now, to master a sewing machine...
Inspiration Herbstblätter-51 Bastelideen für DIY Deko
Tolle Herbstdeko fürs Haus. Breiter Weidenkranz mit bunten Herbstblättern - Herbst Dekoration bastelidee selbstgemacht.
Оптические иллюзии в пэчворке
Optical Illusion Quilt
homage to the thrift shop shirt. Most of the fabrics in this quilt are from used men’s shirts from the local thrift shop comingling
Fantastic quilt pattern and lovely execution by K. Ferris. Not linked to a web page :(
Made my own ModCloth dress
Tutorial for making this dress! (If I ever get really motivated or extremely bored)
How to Sew Neckline Binding | Briar Sewalong
Awesome tutorial for finishing a knit neckline that will look good inside and out.