Crochet blanket patterns

76 Pins
Crochet Tutorial + Video - Shells Blanket Stitch - Crafting Happiness
Learn how to crochet the Shell Blanket Stitch. Step-by-step tutorial & video from Crafting Happiness. Easy tutorial for beginners
Free Crochet Offset Shell Stitch Tutorial -crochetncreate
Free crochet offset shell and block stitch tutorial, use for baby blankets and more. Don’t forget to save to your boards. #crochetstitchtutorial #crochetstitch #crochethowto #crochetncreate
Cosy Rectangle Blanket
This Cosy Rectangle Blanket is a cross between a giant continuous Granny Rectangle and a v-stitch blanket. Essentially it is a half-treble crochet (UK terms) V-stitch blanket worked in the round. I was really surprised
Crochet Buffalo Check/Plaid Stitch | Crochet stitches tutorial, Crochet stitches unique, Crochet stitches for beginners
This may contain: someone is crocheting on the side of a blanket
Você adora crochê e quer aprimorar suas habilidades? Aprenda técnicas avançadas, crie peças únicas e compartilhe sua paixão pelo crochê com outras pessoas.