Baby Mumma

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Tips for Bonding with Step-Children in Blended Families in Feb 2025 -
Bonding with step-children is challenging for newly blended families, and Hollywood doesn't make it easier! Check out our tips to help ease the transition.
The Fields of Green
"To bear children into this world is like carrying wood to a burning house." - Peter Wessel Zapffe
July 2015 - cultureshift
No offense to those who have children, I respect the aspect of motherhood. However, there is no shame in not wanting to reproduce. I personally don't, and I'm often told "I'm just going through a phase". Point is, don't let others convince you your life is incomplete if you don't have a bunch of babies.
For The Child-Free People Out There
And don't have to worry about a child rearranging my priorities (and my living room) and changing me into an unrecognizable shell of my 'former life'.
"Let me just go for a peaceful, quiet drive in my Porsche while I think about how unhappy I am. And maybe I'll stop at the bank and withdraw a few more hundred dollar bills to wipe these tears away."
i actually don't mind hearing this so much since it cements my
If you have no patience with a kitten or puppy. Please DO NOT have a child!
I have developed well enough without sprogs in mg life.